How to Implement the TPRC (Think, Predict, Read, Connect) Teaching Strategy in Your Classroom
Learners can utilize this strategy to first think about a topic, then predict what they will read in the content, and finally, to make associations to their personal lives. This is a strategy used to develop their general knowledge before, during, and after reading.
Learning Outcomes
- Preview a text
- Set a purpose for reading
- Ask and answer questions
- Stimulate interest and curiosity
- Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a copy of the TPRCgraphic organizer (Click here to access all of our graphic organizer forms). Tell learners the general topic of the content they are about to read. Direct them to think about what they know about the subject and list it on the “Think” part of the TPRCgraphic organizer.
- Tell a simple summary of what learners will read. Ask learners to predict what they believe they will find in the reading. Learners write these predictions on the “Predict” part of the TPRCgraphic organizer.
- As they read the content, learners put a checkmark and cite the page and paragraph number when predictions are substantiated. Reading for this strategy is done in groups or individually.
- When individual and group reading is completed, utilize the predictions to guide a discussion about the topic. This discussion must create connections with what learners knew before the reading, what they predicted about the reading, and what they learned from the reading.
- After the discussion, learners write summaries on the TPRC graphic organizer.