Teaching & Learning Strategies, Concepts, and Terms That Every Teacher Must Know: Letters AM-AN
To be considered a competent educator, there are almost 2000 strategies, concepts, and terms that you must know. However, since teachers wear so many hats, who has the time to learn them all? Don’t worry; we have you covered. In this series, we will discuss all the teaching and learning strategies, concepts, and terms that you need to know to be considered an effective educator. There are over 70 articles in this series, so pace yourself. We recommend reading one piece per weekday, which will allow you to complete the series in three to four months. We hope you enjoy it.
Click here to read all the articles in this series.
Ambiguous Vowels Vowel combinations that can make more than one sound, such as the oo in book and moon OR sounds that can be signified by more than one vowel mixture, like the sound of /ah/ in tall, caught, or cost.
American Exceptionalism A specific form of nationalism unique to the United States is known as American exceptionalism. The achievements and dominance of the United States in the global arena show that it is an exceptional country with a manifest destiny. American schools are agencies for instilling this sense of national pride, national identity, and loyalty. Schools are also viewed as unique institutions that are established to educate the future generations of an exceptional population.
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Is a nationally organized association, intended to represent the interests of all affiliated classroom teachers. It is comprised of professional teachers who advocate for teachers’ concerns, educational reforms, as well as for changes to current legislation.
American Recovery and Revitalization Act (ARRA) Refers to a law passed in 2009 regarding the provision of a stimulus package to assist, among other things, in the creation and retention of teachers and school staff.
Americanizing Downplaying racial, cultural and other differences in the backgrounds of individuals to promote popular American values and beliefs.
Amniocentesis A test used during pregnancy to provide information about the potential diagnosis of genetic and developmental disabilities. It is usually performed during the first or second trimester by inserting a needle into the uterus to collect a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.
Analogies Images, concepts, or narratives that provide comparisons and similarities between new information and familiar knowledge to enhance comprehension.
Analytic Mean The ability to break a problem or system into its component parts. One aspect of leadership.
Analytic Process A reading technique designed to help teachers to observe and assess students’ engagement with the reading process. Teachers are then able to identify strengths and weaknesses, and plan appropriate lessons regardless of the domain, teaching method, or curriculum involved.
Analytic Scoring Scoring in which each component area of the scoring rubric is reported independently, providing greater information about the strengths and weaknesses in student work.
Analytic Teaching A method of monitoring and evaluating students’ literacy progress that recognizes, respects, and appreciates the students’ abilities.
Analytical Vocabulary Words that students can correctly identify as they read, but only after a careful examination of the visual images of the words.
Anchor Papers Student papers that serve as examples of poor, medium quality, and high-level mastery for a given assignment.
Anchor Performances Examples of student performances at various levels, each evaluated using a uniform rubric. They present evaluation possibilities and a standard to assist teachers in the fair assessment of student work.
Anecdotal Notes Short, written documentation of important incidents and events in a student’s day.
Antecedent Stimuli Events or conditions in the environment that precede behaviors or reactions induced by those events or conditions.
Antecedents A trigger or event coming before a response that precipitated that response.
Anterior Cingulate The part of the brain that focuses attention coordinates our thoughts and controls what we do with our bodies.
Anticipation/Reaction Guide A teaching idea that helps the student to utilize their prior knowledge to make connects to the text, set purposes for reading, and develop a more accurate understanding of the new informational text. An anticipation/reaction guide consists of several true or false statements related to the text.
Antisocial Behaviors Actions that show lack of concern for the well-being or rights of others, including lying, stealing, bullying, physical violence, etc.