72 Classroom Accommodations for Students With ADHD
Are you a teacher looking for accommodations for students with ADHD? Don’t worry we have you covered. Below you will find 72 examples of accommodations that teachers can make to adapt to the needs of students with ADHD.
1. Seat student in a quiet area
2. Seat student near a good role model
3. Seat student near the teacher
4. Seat student near a peer tutor
5. Increase the distance between desks
6. Allow the student to have more time to complete their assigned work
7. Shorten all assignments or tasks
8. Break long assignments into smaller parts so the student can see an end to work
9. Assist the student in setting short term and long term goals
10. Give the student assignments one at a time to avoid work overload
11. Require fewer correct responses
12. Reduce the amount of homework
13. Teach the student how to self-monitor their behavior using cueing
14. Pair written instructions with oral instructions
15. Provide peer assistance in note-taking
16. Give clear, concise instructions
17. Seek to involve the student in your lectures
18. Cue the student to stay on task
19. Ignore minor, inappropriate behavior; only address serious misbehavior
20. Increase the immediacy of rewards and consequences
21. Use the time-out method
22. Supervise the student closely during transition times
23. Use appropriate reprimands for misbehavior
24. Respond to positive behavior with compliments
25. Set up a behavior contract
26. Call on only when the hand is raised in an appropriate manner
27. Praise when hand raised to answer question
28. Allow the student to stand while working
29. Provide an opportunity for “seat breaks”
30. Provide a short break in between assignments
31. Remind students to check over their work
32. Give students extra time to complete tasks
33. Provide reassurance and encouragement
34. Frequently compliment positive behavior
35. Speak softly in a non-threatening manner
36. Review instructions to make sure the student comprehends the directions
37. Find opportunities for the student to display a leadership role in class
38. Frequently conference with parents to learn about student’s interests & achievements outside of school
39. Send positive notes home every week
40. Make time to talk with a student
41. Encourage social interactions with classmates if the student is withdrawn or excessively shy
42. Reinforce the student in intervals
43. Look for signs of stress build-up and provide encouragement or reduced workload to alleviate pressure
44. Spend time talking to students who seem frustrated
45. Provide training in emotional intelligence
46. If reading is weak: provide additional reading time
47. If the oral expression is weak: accept all oral responses
48. If written language is weak: accept non-written forms for reports
49. If math is weak: allow the use of a calculator; provide the student with additional math time; provide immediate feedback.
50. Ask for parental help in encouraging organization
51. Provide organizational rules
52. Encourage the student to have a notebook with dividers and folders for work
53. Provide the student with a homework assignment journal
54. Supervise the writing down of homework tasks
55. Send daily/weekly progress reports home
56. Routinely check desk and notebook for neatness
57. Allow the student to have an extra set of books
58. Do not punish or reprimand for poor handwriting
59. Encourage learning of keyboarding skills
60. Allow the student to tape-record assignments or homework
61. Praise compliant and appropriate behavior
62. Provide immediate feedback
63. Use teacher attention to reinforce positive behaviors
64. Acknowledge the positive behavior of a nearby student
65. Implement a classroom behavior management system
66. Monitor social interactions
67. Set up social behavior goals with the student and implement a reward program
68. Prompt appropriate social behavior either verbally or with private signal
69. Encourage cooperative learning tasks with other students
70. Provide small group social skills training
71. Praise student frequently
72. Assign individual responsibilities to the student, so others observe the student in a positive light