22 Game Changing Ideas for the Field of Education
In the fall of 2001, I officially became a professional educator, and I have loved every minute of it, starting off as a 5th grade Social Studies teacher and working my way up the K-12 and higher education ranks. Since then, I have gleaned a bevy of insights about the field of education from Pre-K, all the way to doctoral level studies.
As I write these words, I am sitting in an airport, headed to an edtech conference in Europe. I am thankful for all of the blessings that the education field has afforded me, so when I have time to give back, I do, usually in the form of an article or op-ed. I have about 40 minutes before my next flight boards, so I decided to write a new piece, about 22 game-changing ideas for the field of education.
- Let’s completely revamp teacher education.
- Every school should have a fully funded art and music program.
- Don’t complain, show parents how to engage in their child’s educations.
- Students shouldn’t receive grades.
- Get rid of retention and promotion.
- School districts should take the lead in reducing student homelessness.
- Embrace artificial intelligence.
- Reinstate the accountability movement.
- Have a student signing day for high school for students who have secured jobs and will begin after graduation.
- Have students to create their own learning paths.
- Stop hiring teachers who have not proven that they can add value to their students.
- Stop hiring education administrators that do not have a track record of success in the classroom.
- Let students make up their own rules.
- Stop wasting Title 1 funds on things that do not positively impact student success.
- Stop giving students the impression that not attending college will ruin your life.
- Allow elementary students more time to play.
- Schools should partner with education researchers.
- Allow elementary students to take an hour nap after lunch.
- Allow students to bring snacks to school.
- Double teacher’s salaries.
- Every child performing below grade level should be assigned a tutor.
- All K-12 students should be given breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
- All schools should operate between 9am-5pm to accommodate parents’ schedules.
- Tear down/rebuild or renovate dilapidated school buildings.
What did I miss?