
Teachers focus on teaching reading and comprehension strategies thinking that those will help students in reading better. However, several literacy experts claim that these strategies do not help the good ...

Educational Leadership


Have the comments that a teacher makes about your child at a parent-teacher conference ever seemed like more than what was being said? Have the concerns ...

Higher Education


In today’s technology-driven world, having access to a computer, specifically a laptop, has become essential for students of all ages. From completing homework assignments to researching ...

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    Teachers focus on teaching reading and comprehension strategies thinking that those will help students in reading better. However, several literacy experts claim that these strategies do not help the good or even average readers.  Learn to find out what the reading strategies are and why literacy experts think these strategies don’t work on good readers. ...
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    These are also known as prosody and can function linguistically to alter the meaning of a word or a phrase. They can also function as a paralinguistic to adjust or strengthen what the spoken information is trying to imply. This could be by expressing emotion. Some suprasegmentals are stress, rhythm, pitch, loudness, duration, and intonation. ...
  • 83

    Inference, in general, refers to any evaluation or conclusion. Inferential thinking is when you make sense of anything happening around you. We, humans, infer every day, and while you don’t see, smell or feel the experience, you figure it out. For instance, you might hear a glass breaking.  While you aren’t on the location to ...
  • pass or fail

    Vowels are letters of the alphabet that produce one single sound. There are five of them – [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]. Diphthongs typically produce two vowel sounds in one syllable. In other words, they’re the result of the pairing of two pure vowels. This is why they aren’t included on the IPA charts. It’s ...
  • pass or fail

    These are marks or symbols that can totally adjust the meaning of a consonant or vowel. It may be used to show an accent or the fact that the pronunciation of the vowel or consonant in that context is different. In other words, diacritics are marks positioned below or above (or sometimes next to) a ...
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    This is a motor speech disorder triggered by paralysis, lack of muscular coordination, or neuromuscular weakness of the muscles necessary for speech production. This could result from the presence of neurological impairment, traumatic brain injury, or specific neurological conditions (such as cerebral palsy or neurofibromatosis). There are six types of dysarthria, and they are spastic, ...
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