Teaching Students About the List Of The Seven Deadly Sins
Begin by explaining that throughout history, people have been concerned with the idea of what makes a person a good or a bad individual. One way that people have thought about this is by identifying certain behaviors that are generally considered to be morally wrong. These behaviors have been given different names in different cultures and times, but in Christianity, they are called the seven deadly sins.
Explain that the seven deadly sins are a list of vices that, according to Christian tradition, can lead to other sins and ultimately damnation. These seven sins are: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth.
Pride: Explain that pride is the belief that one is superior to others. It can manifest as arrogance, boasting, and ingratitude. Pride can also manifest as a refusal to admit one’s mistakes or to accept criticism.
Greed: Explain that greed is the excessive desire for material possessions. It can manifest as hoarding, avarice, and the pursuit of wealth at all costs. Greed can also manifest as a lack of generosity towards others.
Wrath: Explain that wrath is the uncontrolled anger towards others. It can manifest as violence, revenge, and resentment. Wrath can also manifest as a disregard for others’ feelings and a lack of empathy.
Envy: Explain that envy is the desire for what others have. It can manifest as jealousy, covetousness, and resentment. Envy can also manifest as a lack of contentment with one’s own life.
Lust: Explain that lust is the excessive desire for sexual pleasure. It can manifest as promiscuity, pornography, and objectification of others. Lust can also manifest as a lack of respect for the intimacy and emotional connection of sexual relationships.
Gluttony: Explain that gluttony is the excessive consumption of food and drink. It can manifest as overeating, binge drinking, and indulging in unhealthy habits. Gluttony can also manifest as a lack of self-control and discipline.
Sloth: Explain that sloth is the lack of motivation or effort towards working or improving oneself. It can manifest as laziness, procrastination, and a lack of ambition. Sloth can also manifest as a lack of productivity and a disregard for one’s own potential.
After explaining each of the seven deadly sins, ask students to think about which ones they have experienced in their own lives. Ask them to share examples of how each sin can harm themselves and others and promote discussion about the importance of avoiding these behaviors.
Explain to students that the seven deadly sins are not just a list of taboo behaviors or actions but rather they represent character flaws that if left unchecked, have the potential to lead someone down the wrong path in life. Encourage them to be mindful of their own actions and to strive for personal growth and development towards becoming a better person.