Science facts
Science is a fascinating subject that has helped us understand the world around us. From the smallest particles that make up the universe to the grandest of celestial bodies, science has uncovered many mysteries about our existence. Here are just a few incredible science facts that are sure to amaze you.
Did you know that lightning strikes the earth over 44 times every second? That’s more than 3 million lightning strikes per day! Lightning is created when positive and negative charges build up in the atmosphere, eventually creating an electrical discharge that we see as a bolt of lightning.
On a more microscopic scale, did you know that the human body is made up of trillions of cells? Each of these cells contains a nucleus that holds our DNA, which contains all of the genetic information that makes us who we are. If you were to unravel all of the DNA in your body and stretch it out, it would measure more than twice the distance from Earth to the sun!
Speaking of the sun, did you know that it takes around 8 minutes and twenty seconds for light to reach us from the sun? This is because light travels at a speed of around 186,282 miles per second, which is incredibly fast but still takes time to travel the vast distance between the sun and the earth.
If you are fascinated by the vastness of the universe, then you may be interested to learn that there are around 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. If you were to count each of the stars in just one of these galaxies at a rate of one per second, it would take you over 3000 years to count them all!
Finally, one of the most interesting science facts is that there is a giant underground ocean on Earth. This underground ocean is located around 660 kilometers beneath the surface and is estimated to hold three times the amount of water that is found on the surface.
In conclusion, science is an incredible subject that has helped us discover many fascinating facts about the world around us. From the smallest particles to the vast expanse of the universe, science continues to reveal secrets that leave us in awe of the wonders of the universe.