Apple jokes for kids
Apple has been a beloved brand for decades because of its sleek designs and superior technology. It’s no wonder people have come up with jokes and puns about it, even for kids. Here are some Apple jokes your kids will surely enjoy:
- Why did the apple break up with its iPad
The iPad was too touchy.
- What do you call an apple that goes on vacation?
A trip-to-fan.
- Why did the apple go to the doctor?
It was feeling a bit i-ll.
- How do you make an apple computer?
You bake it into a crumble!
- What do you call an apple that’s always telling jokes?
A pun-intended.
- Why did the apple cross the road?
To get to the App Store.
- What do you get when you cross an apple with a clown?
A happy apple.
- Why did the apple go out with a fig?
It couldn’t find a date with a Blackberry.
- What do you call an apple that can jump really high?
A mac-leap.
- Why did the apple go to space?
To find a better App-LE store.
These Apple jokes can give your kids a good laugh while teaching them a thing or two about technology. Happy giggling!