APA Reference Page Formatting and Example
If you are writing an article for publication in a journal or other print medium, you should adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). The APA Publication Manual is a comprehensive guide to formatting and typesetting in psychology, and it is widely respected and followed.
The following is a brief guide to APA reference page formatting. For more comprehensive information, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
Title Page: should include the following information: the article’s title, the author’s name(s), and the volume number and page number of the article.
Abstract: this should be a brief, descriptive summary of the article. It should be no more than 150 words.
Table of Contents: the table of contents should list the following items.
Introduction: introduces the topic or phenomenon to be discussed or examined.
Literature review. It should provide a comprehensive overview of the research discussed in the article. It should include a description of the study, the participants, the methodology, and the results.
Methods: section should describe the study design, the participants, and the procedures used.
Results: section should include the data obtained from the study and the statistical analysis performed.
Discussion: section should provide a thorough analysis of the results. It should discuss the findings’ implications and future research implications.
Conclusion: section should provide a final summary of the article.
Acknowledgments: section should list the individuals who participated in the study and provided feedback.
References: section should list all of the sources used in the article.
Appendix: should include any supplementary materials, such as figures or tables.
Figures and tables: If figures or tables are included in the article, they should be listed in the appendix.
Glossary: If a glossary is included in the article, it should be listed in the appendix.