Activities to Teach Students Benchmark Fractions
Benchmark fractions are fractions that are easily recognizable and commonly used in everyday life. Examples of benchmark fractions are 1/2, 1/4, and 3/4. Teaching students benchmark fractions is important because they help students develop a sense of number sense and understating of fractions. Additionally, students can use benchmarks fractions to estimate and compare other fractions. Here are some activities that can be used to teach students about benchmark fractions.
1. Fraction Chart
Create a chart with benchmark fractions listed at the top (1/2, 1/4, 3/4, etc.) and blank spaces underneath them. Then, give students a list of fractions and have them place each fraction in the correct spot on the chart.
2. Estimation Jar
Fill a jar with objects such as beads, buttons, or shells. Give each student a sheet of paper with several benchmark fractions listed, and have them estimate the fraction of the objects in the jar. After students have made their estimation, they can count the objects in the jar and compare their estimate to the actual fraction.
3. Fraction War
The game called “Fraction War” can be used to help students understanding benchmark fractions. To play, each player is dealt two fraction cards. The players then compare their two fractions and determine which is greater. The player with the greater fraction wins the cards. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
4. Fraction Memory Game
Create a set of cards with benchmark fractions and a corresponding picture or representation. Cards can be matched to either benchmark fractions or representations to their fraction. Students can work in pairs to play this game.
5. Fraction Sidewalk Chalk
Create several large fraction bars using sidewalk chalk. Then, give students fractions to label on the bars. Use different colors of sidewalk chalk to indicate different fractions.
In conclusion, teaching benchmark fractions is an important aspect of developing students’ understanding of fractions. Activities such as those discussed above help students to develop a sense of numbers and how to use fractions in everyday life. Use these activities in the classroom to assist students in the essential skill of understanding benchmark fractions.