9 Strategies for Motivating Students in Mathematics
A student’s basic math fluency skills are key to success in mathematics. However, often times, students are not motivated to learn these skills. Here are 9 strategies to help motivate students in mathematics:
1. Augusten Burrows’ the Golden Rule of Math: Start with the basics.
This advice from Burrows states that if you want to learn something, start with the basics. This means starting with multiplication and division and working your way up.
2. Teach your students to have a “big picture” view of mathematics.
One way to help students become motivated is to have a “big picture” view of mathematics. This means having a general idea of what mathematics is, and how it relates to other areas of knowledge.
3. Use the power of analogy.
An analogy can be a powerful way to motivate a student. For example, you can compare multiplication to cooking. Just like in the kitchen, multiplication and division are tasks that must be done to create a meal. Just as with any other task, analogy can help students learn and retain information.
4. Use rewards and punishments.
Rewards can be things such as extra credit for a good multiplication or division result or a prize for a correct answer. Punishers can be things such as having to sit in a boring class for a certain amount of time or having to complete a difficult math problem.
5. Use a manipulative tool.
A manipulative tool can be a great way to help students learn multiplication and division. For example, you can use a ruler or scissors to help students learn the multiplication table. You can also use a compass to help students learn the division table.
6. Use online resources.
Online resources can be a great way to help students learn multiplication and division. For example, there are many websites that offer tips on multiplication and division.
7. Set goals and work towards them.
Students should not just focus on learning the multiplication and division skills, but also on becoming successful in these skills.
8. Find a tutor.
Tutors can help students with the following: understanding the concepts, practicing the skills, and retaining information.
9. Use flashcards.
Flashcards can be a great way to help students learn multiplication and division. For example, you can use these cards to help students learn the multiplication table. You can also use these cards to help students learn the division table.